Review on Advance Street Light System using IoT

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Lalit Makar
Vrushali Patil
Khusboo Patel
Priti Rumao


The existing system is manually controlled and has flaws such as high energy consumption, high maintenance, high cost and lack of efficient monitoring system. The system proposed in this paper helps in cutting down the unnecessary energy that is consumed by street lights. This goal is achieved by changing the intensity of street lights as per external environment. When an object is detected on the road by the ultrasonic sensor the lights will glow at maximum intensity and will get back to 25-30% intensity otherwise. Also this system includes Wi-Fi based microcontroller NodeMCU to send alert notification to the authorities in case of faulty street lights.


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How to Cite
Makar L, Patil V, Patel K, Rumao P. Review on Advance Street Light System using IoT. sms [Internet]. 30Jun.2020 [cited 27Dec.2024];12(SUP 1):193-6. Available from:
Research Article