Data Traffic Reduction in Wireless Internet of Things Using Deep Compressive Sensing and Reconstruction Algorithm

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Hemant Rajoriya
Ritesh Sadiwala


Companies across a wide variety of sectors are rapidly moving to IoT to boost productivity, understand better clients in order to provide better customer service, enhance decision-making, and maximize the profitability of their businesses. But having these advantages, there is a drawback in using this technology, that large amount of data transmission creates congestion or traffic inside the network thus to reduces such drawback the technique namely compressed sensing was used. This paper reviews the Internet of things (IoT), traffic or congestion in the network, compressed sensing.


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How to Cite
Rajoriya H, Sadiwala R. Data Traffic Reduction in Wireless Internet of Things Using Deep Compressive Sensing and Reconstruction Algorithm. sms [Internet]. 30Jan.2023 [cited 12Mar.2025];15(01):182-5. Available from:
Review Article