Strom Water Drainage Design – A Case Study

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Satyam Dahiphale
P. T. Nimbalkar
R. H. Jadhav


Strom water drainage drains excess water from streets, sidewalks, roofs, buildings and other areas. A system used to drain strom water at various places has different names like sewers and drainage wells. Strom water can be any rainfall, such as rain, snow and sleet that falls on the surface of the earth. In areas with natural groundwater, about 10% of the precipitation becomes runoff and about 50% infiltrates into the soil to form or replenish groundwater and flows into streams. In view of the existing status of drainage systems in urban areas that cause frequent flooding leading to loss of property and life, it necessitates looking into the problem more closely and coming out with planning, designing, implementation and operation & maintenance guidelines to overcome the problems in urban areas. In this paper study of the drainage system of Bharti Vidyapeeth complex is shown which has been done throughout the project. Various phrases has been studied during the study of this particular project. It has been found that drainage system is not a factor that depends on a single particular section but equally on various interrelated factors .In this research paper, one can have idea about the several methods which has been used throughout the project.


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How to Cite
Dahiphale S, Nimbalkar PT, Jadhav RH. Strom Water Drainage Design – A Case Study. sms [Internet]. 10Nov.2023 [cited 13Mar.2025];15(02):271-5. Available from:
Case Study