E-Voting System Using Block Chain

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Aashay Motiwala
Parshva Timbadia
Teerth Upadhyay
Pankaj Kunekar


In this paper, we have proposed a method where the users input is considered as a part of a vote. We are using block chain technology, the most secure technology which enables us to transfer data between two nodes, without manipulation from any untrusted sources. In our project, there are two peers, namely the voter and candidate for whom the voter casts a vote for. By casting votes as transactions, we can create a block-chain that keeps track of the tallies of the votes in the database which has restricted access. In this way, everyone can agree on the final count of the votes. In our project, we have used OpenCv, which uses image processing capturing pictures for facial recognition. There is also an involvement of trusted third parties.


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How to Cite
Motiwala A, Timbadia P, Upadhyay T, Kunekar P. E-Voting System Using Block Chain. sms [Internet]. 31Dec.2019 [cited 5Feb.2025];11(SUP):434-8. Available from: https://smsjournals.com/index.php/SAMRIDDHI/article/view/2327
Research Article