Collision Avoidance System for Drones

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Sakshi S. Katware
Shraddha Bandgar
V. G. Puranik


“Collision avoidance system for drones,” protects the drone from collision from any obstacle, such as, a wall. Nowadays, in our day-to-day life, we have heard drone crashes which do not only cause machine loss, as well as, a great threat to people around. Whereas, drones are widely used in civilian and military fields in recent years. As drones are becoming common, it increases the threat of drone failures. A collision avoidance system is designed to protect people, as well as, machine loss. Each collision avoidance system contains two main parts: sensing and detection, and collision avoidance. Based on their characteristics, each part is explained in different categories. The idea behind the project is to protect drones from a collision. Whenever any obstacle is detected from the left side the drone must drift towards the right and same in all four directions. To detect the obstacle, the sensor used is “IR sensors”. Many IR sensors are used in all directions of drones for obstacle detection. To avoid collision with objects, these aerial vehicles are to be installed with a collision-avoidance system. In this project, we do present an approach for wall collision avoidance using IR sensors on a quadrotor. The presented approach is designed for the safety of drones indoor and outdoor.


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How to Cite
Katware S, Bandgar S, Puranik V. Collision Avoidance System for Drones. sms [Internet]. 30Nov.2020 [cited 7Sep.2024];12(SUP 2):69-4. Available from:
Research Article