Study on Comparison of Boiler Efficiency Using Husk and Coal as Fuel in Rice Mill

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JP Yadav
Bharat Raj Singh


When the large quantity of rice is needed, there is need of installation of the conventional rice mill. From this mill, the rice produced is of good quality and high grade of rice is obtained. In earlier time bran goes together with the husk, now bran is separated from the husk, and the rice is sold at good price. At small scale when coal is used in rice mill plant the operating cost increases thus profit is decreased. More pollution is created due to the use of coal and the husk remains as waste. If husk is utilized in place of coal as fuel, then it is determined that operating cost becomes less and economical profit comes more than the coal for rice production. If the conventional and auto-rice-mill is compared, it is observed that in conventional rice mill operating cost of using husk and coal is less than auto rice mill. But capacity and economical profit comes more in auto rice mill. Through comparative study it is found that the efficiency of using both husk and coal comes out to be the same, but their comparison varies when discussed about economic and expenditure of plant. It is seen that the price / day of using husk is more than that of coal which implies that husk used as fuel is more beneficial than using coal as fuel. When both the fuels are compared i.e. husk and coal then, it is concluded that husk as fuel is used free of cost but coal much maintenance requires which leads it to have more cost in comparison to husk and also pollution created by coal is more than that of husk, which makes husk more reliable than the coal.


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How to Cite
Yadav J, Singh B. Study on Comparison of Boiler Efficiency Using Husk and Coal as Fuel in Rice Mill. sms [Internet]. 25Dec.2011 [cited 4Feb.2025];2(02):01-5. Available from:
Research Article