Impact of Women’s Education on Household Decision Making in Indian Context

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Col. Hiren Borah
Golak B. Patra


Education has a significant impact on women’s empowerment and leadership. In many of the households’ important economic decisions are often taken by women. In a patriarchal Indian society, women have reached this point with several struggles and clashes with their male counterparts. Women’s education and empowerment help in balancing the decision-making process related to financial activities at the household level. This study aims to explore the importance of women’s education and empowerment in household management and decision-making processes by the women. It aims to examine the impact of Women’s education on Household Decision Making, especially in the Indian Context. The present research is qualitative in nature, based on analysing both primary and secondary data. This particular study has been derived from the researcher’s original PhD work. The qualitative analysis and data have been extracted from the original PhD work to understand the situation in India Context.


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How to Cite
Borah, C. H., & Patra, G. B. (2024). Impact of Women’s Education on Household Decision Making in Indian Context. ADHYAYAN: A JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES, 14(02), 23-27.
Review article