Management Education 5.0, the NEP and AI: The Unwired Connection

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Alok Kumar


Ever since we embraced a new phase of Globalization in the early nineties and faced the glimmer and glitter both as outcomes, our thought process must explore how the further onslaught of the information age has changed the very fabric of ‘Management education’. We all understand why is management education set to intrude more and more in every other field of education in the years to come. Not only the Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) but also school curricula have begun integration of management thoughts and practices into secondary and higher secondary classes. It is not merely an educational fad but a necessity. It is generally talked of that what matters today is the tussle between the resources and its utilization. And the astutely managed operations pave the way for success. In a recent development, the educational system has been subject to an overhaul through a mandate called the ‘New Education Policy’ (NEP) and still is being phase-wise implemented to recast an educational system that worked for more than a century, just to make our system more suitable to the emerging world trends and henceforth our young generation which is so zealous about achievements and excellence in the ‘quickest’ possible time, even over-powering gestation periods in some cases! Also, there has been a recent buzzword about the array of Information technology related interventions in everyday affair, professional works and even education – Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Internet of Things (IoT) and many more alike! Now considering the current situation, it becomes imminent for us to ponder about the ‘unwired’ connections involving these three entities, that is, management education, the New Education Policy and of course, the AI. This article tries to look into the subject with a beamed approach on how our Management educational system shall be able to accommodate, assimilate and evolve over a certain time period to emerge as a transformational recourse towards the desired objectives.


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How to Cite
Kumar, A. (2024). Management Education 5.0, the NEP and AI: The Unwired Connection. ADHYAYAN: A JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES, 14(02), 16-22.
Review article