Investigating and Comprehending the Value of Effective E-WOM for Improving E-retailer Services in India

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Shantanu Kumar Sahu


This study aims to comprehend and explore the beneficial electronic word-of-mouth (E-WOM) for enhancing e-retailer
services in India. It looks into the elements that affect consumers' e-women and e-satisfaction with online store services.
One aspect of e-wom that distinguishes it from conventional marketing communication is the mechanism for the positive
feedback. This study investigates why e-wom will be a strategic choice for Indian e-retailers by looking at current research
on the service quality construct and e-satisfaction. With the positive benefits of e-women in mind, this research will help
marketers devise a plan to enhance the services offered by online merchants. The insights can help online retailers and
other marketers grow their companies.


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How to Cite
Sahu, S. (2023). Investigating and Comprehending the Value of Effective E-WOM for Improving E-retailer Services in India. ADHYAYAN: A JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES, 13(01), 23-27.
Research Article