An Empirical Examination of Perceived Risk in Mobile-Banking

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Karnika Srivastava
Manoj Kumar


Financial institution that offered mobile applications to the consumers should give attention to the perceived risk factors of Mobile Banking adoption in order to retain existing customers as well as attract new consumers. The study suggests that banks should build an application with features to facilitate users’ assessment of Mobile Banking services and thus minimize the perceived risk and maximize the perceived ease of Mobile Banking services. The impact of risk and trust on Mobile Banking adoption has also been examined and shown to be significant to Mobile Banking adoption in the context in India. This study is based on the Descriptive research, where valid responses are collected from the respondent by filling questionnaire. Keeping the TAM proposed by Davis as a theoretical basis, an extended TAM incorporating security and privacy related issues for Mobile Banking adoption is conceptualized. The paper reveals that perceived risk has a negative impact on behavioural intention of Mobile Banking adoption and trust has a negative impact on perceived risk. A well-designed mobile application was also found to be helpful in facilitating easier use and minimizing perceived risk concerns regarding Mobile Banking usage. The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of perceived risk on Mobile Banking user adoption.


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How to Cite
Srivastava, K., & Kumar, M. (2017). An Empirical Examination of Perceived Risk in Mobile-Banking. ADHYAYAN: A JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES, 7(02), 61-67. Retrieved from
Research Article