Wind Turbine Erection, Installation, Commissioning and Analysis for An Educational Institute

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Haripriya H Kulkarni
Kabir More
Uday Kolhe
Sandeep Bapat


For the development of sustainable energy system, nowadays a variety of systems are available. Traditionally diesel generators were used as a backup source to power failure of existing Grid. With Technological advancement in renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, we can make use of this freely available energy as a backup source to charge a battery and in turn utilize it, during power failure or on regular basis. This paper presents erection of a small wind turbine with a capacity of 1.5 KW. It has been installed on the terrace of an engineering college located in Maharashtra state. The wind turbine is successfully installed and observations are taken on a daily basis. These observations are analyzed in detail for checking the availability of the Wind and power extraction from the horizontal Axis wind turbine. The load connected is the light load including fans, tubes, personal computers, printers etc. It has been found that a small wind turbine with a capacity of 1.5 KW can charge the battery system especially when sun is not available but the wind is at a reasonable speed. An enclosed HAWT gives a very good performance and maintenance free operation. It can generate energy at a wind speed of 4 m/s. Excellent results have been found during light wind conditions also. The NACA design of the blades responds to moderate wind speed due to its aerodynamic design. It has been also noticed that as compared to the combination of other Renewable Sources available, solar and wind is the best possible combination considering the availability, financial investment and performance parameters.


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How to Cite
Kulkarni H, More K, Kolhe U, Bapat S. Wind Turbine Erection, Installation, Commissioning and Analysis for An Educational Institute. sms [Internet]. 31Dec.2021 [cited 31Jan.2025];13(SUP 2):182-7. Available from:
Research Article