Internet of Things-Based Onion Preservation System

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Vinay Sidawadkar
Rohini Ahire
Shankaranand Lohare
Dipak Gavhale
P. P. Vast


India ranks second in onion production in the world. Onion is extremely important not only as a vegetable but also as a foreign exchange earner amongst other fruits and vegetables. But due to the continuous change in the Indian climate onions can rot or decay. Therefore, onions should be preserved by maintaining the temperature given by the National Onion Association (NOA). Under the ambient condition, the onions are stored at temperature 0 to 4ºC with humidity 60 to 70%. So the idea has come up to preserve onion.
In this project, we have designed an onion preservation system, which preserves an onion in a prescribed manner. In this system temperature, humidity sensors have been used to monitor temperature and humidity, respectively. Using the Peltier module, the air inside the tank is cooled and warmed to maintain the standard temperature range. By using the Internet of Things (IoT), making the proposed system smart and efficient, the user will get notification of the system anywhere in the world. Also, users will get recent onion market trends.


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How to Cite
Sidawadkar V, Ahire R, Lohare S, Gavhale D, Vast P. Internet of Things-Based Onion Preservation System. sms [Internet]. 30Nov.2020 [cited 22Feb.2025];12(SUP 2):22-6. Available from:
Research Article