Advancements in Predictive Modeling of Alzheimer's Disease: A Machine Learning Approach Integrating Biomarkers and Neuroimaging Data

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Safdar Sardar Khan
. Sunil Patil


Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by cognitive decline and memory loss, affecting millions of individuals worldwide. Early and accurate diagnosis of AD is crucial for timely intervention and personalized treatment planning. In recent years, machine learning algorithms have shown promising results in predicting AD based on various biomarkers and clinical data. This research article presents a comprehensive study on the application of machine learning algorithms for predicting Alzheimer's disease. We utilize a diverse dataset containing features extracted from medical imaging, genetic markers, cognitive assessments, and demographic information. Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest, and Neural Network algorithms are employed for predictive modeling, leveraging the unique capabilities of each algorithm to capture complex patterns and relationships in the data. The performance of each model is evaluated using standard evaluation metrics such as accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC-ROC). Our findings demonstrate the effectiveness of machine learning algorithms in accurately predicting Alzheimer's disease, with SVM achieving the highest predictive performance among the evaluated models. The proposed predictive models hold great potential for assisting healthcare professionals in early diagnosis, prognosis, and personalized management of Alzheimer's disease, ultimately improving patient outcomes and quality of life. Future research directions include incorporating multimodal data fusion techniques and longitudinal analysis to enhance the predictive accuracy and clinical utility of the models.


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How to Cite
Khan SS, Patil . S. Advancements in Predictive Modeling of Alzheimer’s Disease: A Machine Learning Approach Integrating Biomarkers and Neuroimaging Data. sms [Internet]. 27Jan.2023 [cited 5Sep.2024];15(01):186-91. Available from:
Review Article