Investigations on Solar Powered Vapour Absorption Refrigeration based Air Conditioning

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Onkar Singh
Sandeep K Rai
Ravindra K Ambikesh


A solar-operated vapor absorption refrigeration cycle is environment-friendly refrigeration system that holds the potential to be used for refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Such a system requires a solar concentrator to run the vapor absorption refrigeration cycle using LiBr-H2O-based refrigeration/air conditioner for small capacity applications. With the solar-powered pumping process, this refrigeration system becomes completely free from electricity requirements. However, the limitations of all time solar radiation availability, low-pressure maintenance requirement of the LiBr-H2O system, low efficiency, and low COP as compared to other vapour compression refrigeration based air conditioning system are the key deterrents. In the present study, the modeling and analysis of various components used in the proposed arrangement of solar vapor absorption refrigeration - air conditioning system has been carried out to improve the performance It is seen that altering the geometrical property of the bubble pump, as well as heat input through a solar concentrating collector, use of hydrogen as a third fluid increases the rate of evaporation which in turn increases the cooling effect as well as COP of the cycle. At 54% concentration of LiBr and 4.5kW heat input, the COP of the proposed layout is found to be 0.61.


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How to Cite
Singh O, Rai S, Ambikesh R. Investigations on Solar Powered Vapour Absorption Refrigeration based Air Conditioning. sms [Internet]. 30Jan.2023 [cited 11Mar.2025];15(01):116-21. Available from:
Research Article