Ethanol-Sensing Characteristics of Tin Oxide (SnO2) Nano-Particle Thin Films Deposited Using Ultrasonic Nebulizer

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A. K. Sharma


Tin oxide (SnO2 ) nano particle thin film has been deposited by spray pyrolysis technique using ultrasonic nebulizer of chloride solution (SnCl2.2H2O) over the glass substrate. An aqueous chloride solution was converted into a mist form of vapor using ultrasonic nebulizer and deposited over the heated substrate at temperature 300 ± 100C. The XRD and SEM result shows a regular, smooth, excellent morphology and also found polycrystalline in nature which is also evident in XRD analysis. The average grain size of SnO2 particles were found to be in the range of 25 nm to 35 nm depending on the allowed concentration of chloride solution which is calculated from XRD plot using Debye - Sherror formula. The average thickness of the as prepared film was measured of the order of 120 nm. The optical transmittance properties of the SnO2 thin films have been also measured. The films exhibited an average transmittance value of 93% in recorded range of wavelength. Finally the ethanol gas sensing properties of the thin film (0.1 M concentration) was performed and discussed in detail.


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How to Cite
Sharma A. Ethanol-Sensing Characteristics of Tin Oxide (SnO2) Nano-Particle Thin Films Deposited Using Ultrasonic Nebulizer. sms [Internet]. 25Dec.2018 [cited 22Oct.2024];10(02):153-60. Available from:
Research Article