Student's Preference towards Specialization Selection: An Exploratory Perspective

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Lata Bajpai Singh
Ramesh Kumar Chaturvedi
Syed Asif Mehdi
Sachitaa Srivastava


Choosing a career is one of the most difficult decisions a student ever takes. In this research study, the authors have attempted to explore the factors responsible for selecting specific career perspectives. The study is based on exploratory research design and primary data is gathered from postgraduate students of business management and computer application. For the analysis purpose, exploratory factor analysis is performed on the responses gathered from 582 postgraduate students. The findings suggest that six factors responsible for selecting a particular specialization, namely;' market uncertainty and job security, study-related (academic) efforts required to be ready for job, exposure from social media platforms, other's recommendations, institutional resources and aligning self for future jobs'. The findings may be useful for different stakeholders to prepare themselves for attracting and guiding future professionals.


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How to Cite
Singh, L., Chaturvedi, R., Mehdi, S., & Srivastava, S. (2020). Student’s Preference towards Specialization Selection: An Exploratory Perspective. ADHYAYAN: A JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES, 10(02), 10-16.
Research Article